
April 29, 2014

Article Review : Balkanisasi Siber: Gangguan kepada semangat 1Malaysia

Kedengaran asing perkataan Balkanisasi buat umum. Balkanisasi dalam konteks geopolitik membawa maksud proses pembahagian atau fragmentasi atau suatu wilayah atau negara kepada beberapa wilayah atau negara kecil yang bertentangan dan tidak sehaluan antara satu sama lain seperti dikata oleh Ivan Vidanovic (2006).

Huraian oleh Dr. Rahmat Ghazali melalui artikel "Balkanisasi Siber: Gangguan kepada semangat 1Malaysia" membuka dimensi ketamadunan kewujudan sesebuah negara baru yang berasas dari kepincangan fahaman dan ras kaum. Sikap penolakan dan berkelompok mengikut fahaman atau ideologi bersama ini merupakan suatu kebimbangan yang akan menjurus kepada ketidak seimbangan sosio di kalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum di Malaysia.

Konsep balkanisasi ini terang-terangan menolak Gagasan 1Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh kerajaa Barisan Nasional. Sifat politik Malaysia yang masih berterasakna perkauman amat tebal dan proses segragasi ini telah wujud sekian lama bermula daripada penjajahan Inggeris lagi. Ia amat sukar untuk dihakis gaya politk ini di Malaysia kerana sifat kebergantungan sesama kaum sangat tinggi malah kini budaya "melayu tolong melayu" semakin menebal. Proses integrasi yakni merupakan satu proses bagi mewujudkan satu identiti nasional dalam kalangan kumpulan yang terpisah daripada segi budaya, sosial dan lokasi dalam sesebuah unit politik (Shamsul Amri, 2007).

Balkanisasi media pula menjurus kepada dua fahaman yang ketara kini iaitu media arus perdana dan media alternatif menjadi medan pertempuran buat golongan yang merasa kelompok mereka perlu bersuara demi kebaikan bersama sesama merela (kelompok tersebut). Ketaksuban seseorang terhadap suatu individu justeru mewujudkan kelompok sendiri untuk meraih lepbih besar pengaruh menjadi-jadi kini. Ini dapat dilihat melalui sejarah dalam politik Malaysia melalui pemecatan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika itu Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, telah mengapikan-apikan sifat balkanisasi dalam kalangan kumpulan yang menyokong Tun Dr. Mahathir (mantan Pedana Menteri) dan yang menyokong Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Pemisahan ini terjadi melalui balkanisasi kebencian dan dendam. Gagasan 1Malaysia yang diperkenalkan cuba untuk menyamaratakan kesemua kaum masih belum cukup untuk mententeramkan ombak kecil kebanyakan rakyat. Transformasi politik Malaysia dari Raja kepada Rakyat menurut Dr. Ishak Saat (2009), pemahaman tentang politik Melayu dapat dibuat mengikut urutan peristiwa yang berlaku secara berperingkat-peringkat. Pertamanya, pemahaman tentang konsep politik, organisasi dan sistem kepercayaan Melayu peringkat awal. Kedua, pertembungan antara feudalisme dengan kolonialisme. Ketiga, bagaimana pertembungan tersebut menghasilkan sistem bercorak negara-bangsa(nation-state) serta proses demokrasi di mana kedaulatan Raja bertukar menjadi kedaulatan rakyat yang lebih bersifat nasional.

Akhir kata, balkanisasi boleh menjadi duri dalam daging yang hendak dibuang sayang. Ini dapat dilihat melalui pengwujudan sebuah negara bangsa baru iatu di Selatan Filipina, Bangsamoro yang didokong oleh puak pemisah pembebasan wilayah yang akhirnya diberi autonomi mewujudkan kerajaan sendiri selepas bertahun berjuang dan mententeramkan ketegangan. Ini merupakan balkanisasi yang membawa keamanan melalui pemisahan. Seterusnya balkanisasi diantara fahaman dan ideologi sesama negara bangsa lebih membawa keretakan kepada sesebuah negara yang seterusnya boleh membawa kepincangan dan perang saudara. 

Online journalism is a threat to Malaysian peace and harmony

The emerging of technologies and advancement in information delivery system will keep on evolving from time to time.  The existence of Internet since 1960 started with used by academic institutions to trade information. Then the use of this platform had widely received by the medical communities stepped in for more, students, companies, random individuals, then more and more smaller networks tied in to make larger networks and it has evolved more drastically started at 1990 with the introduction of World Wide Web (www).

The Internet phenomenon had given a huge impact on journalism world. The online journalism played an important media sources Malaysia recently. Even though Malaysia is among the countries that have the slowest bandwidth speed with the highest speed only 50Mbit/s, the wide used of Internet is unstoppable here. Malaysians spend one third of their time on social networking.

October 2012

The huge numbers of users of Internet will cause some misuse of this platform. Especially evolving of media house in Malaysia now days had giving more focus in their delivering system through online. This online journalism keeps the updates faster than the offline that is newspaper, radio and television. However, it became a threat to Malaysian peace and harmony as the exchange of information through online is overwhelming and not filtered by anyone as everyone is free to post anything at anytime. Some ethics in journalism might overshadow by the craving of an individual in sharing their thought and belief.

The threat is not only by the media house, but also from the bloggers who made their blog as one of the alternative sources of information. The identity of a blogger is unknown and the writing of their posting is not filtered where they are free to write on anything above the sky. This will cause hatred among the society who might not on the same page as them. Some sensitive issues, especially racial and religious issues play a huge impact among multiethnic society in Malaysia.

The characteristic of the online journalism which is cheap and flexible made it debut is faster and easy to spread through few clicks only. The greed of sharing and becoming the first source of information without confirmation by the authorities will become rumors. The control from the interference by the government might cause distress by the users, as most of young Malaysian generations are very outspoken of the issue of freedom of speech. Therefore, the public or Internet user need to be educating of the danger of holding a wrong or unauthorized information. The spreading of wrong information will cause direct offences to the victim who involved.

It is not wrong as internet user nowadays are kind to share their thoughts but somehow the posting might offended others who know better the truth about some issues. The common and the expert might have clash of information pertaining rising issues of the nations, as recent example is the breaking news of losing MH370. The chaos will cause huge impact to the nation or even worldwide.

A good ethical online journalism is a subject that not only learned by the media practitioner, but also need to be educate to the public especially the internet user on the limit and knowing the truth before made posting or sharing some information through online.

April 25, 2014

Personality : Jeff Bezos The Amazon Tycoon

The success story of this billionaire tech titan, Jeff Bezos had become a wide coverage and his successful is build by his own ideas and conception of his imagination. All his invention of creative ideas had become a story to be fill onto his resume that could never ever been gained by others.  

The greatest invention made by Jeff Bezos is the brilliant ideas of his online retailer, This idea began with John Ingram of Ingram Books together with Keyur Patel who both of them sill one of the stakeholder in Amazon. There had never been a company quite like Amazon. As being told by CBS News from their special coverage on successful of said that, conceived as an online book seller, Amazon has reinvented itself time and again, changing the way the world shops, reads and computes. Amazon has 225 million customers around the world. Its goal is to sell everything to everyone. The brainchild of Jeff Bezos, Amazon prides itself on disrupting the traditional way of doing things.

Amazon began with books, by started as an online bookstore who do the trading via e-commerce.  Amazon's logotype has featured a curved arrow leading from A to Z, to represent that they are serving every product from A to Z, with the arrow shaped like a smile portrayed a friendly services they could offer with the best deal on market.

From times to times, Jeff Bezos had been more innovative by introducing a new sensational device to the world that he could ever offer which is Kindle in 2007. It is a handheld electronic reading device that integrated wireless Internet connectivity, enabling the reader to purchase, download and read complete books and other documents at anywhere and at anytime. This device had received a wide exposure, as far as I could remember was one show by Oprah Winfrey from one of her talk show episode reviewing Kindle and said it is “her new favorite thing”, as the device is so easy and reachable to download many book titles which may hard to be found in bookstore nowadays.

After focusing only on reading material ease, Amazon now boasts a host of diversified subsidiaries, including AmazonLocal and LivingSocial. This is to coop with the diverse of new technology keep on evolving and to keep his product on the track; Jeff Bezos had step towards and never look back. He keeps producing creative ideas to expand his Amazon branding for not only online retailing business but also more than that. In 2012, Bezos launched Amazon Studios, crowdsourcing the development of feature films and television shows. Amazon plans to present television programs through an online video service, the feature films in brick-and-mortar theaters.

Some of new expansion business under the branding of Amazon is Amazon-CloudDrive, which can store music, videos, photos, files by renting a hard drive in the cloud where is actually a database. Another one is AmazonFresh which sell and delivers groceries in Seattle and start to expand its coverage areas and this show that Amazon is trying extends the range of product they could offer from their online retailing services.

As been said by Jeff Probes himself during interviewed with correspondent Charlie Rose,  “I would define Amazon by our big ideas, which are customer centricity, putting the customer at the center of everything we do, invention. We like to pioneer, we like to explore, we like to go down dark alleys and see what’s on the other side.” (60 Minutes, CBS News, 2013)

On the other side of Amazon’s online retailing is a business customers know little about. It’s called Amazon Web Services, AWS, and may soon become Amazon’s biggest business. To keep track of its massive online orders, Amazon built a large and sophisticated computing infrastructure. Amazon figured out it could also expand that infrastructure to store data and run websites for hundreds of thousands of outside companies and government agencies on what is known as the cloud.
With the great success gained from his online retailer had made him debuted as one of the living billionaire age below 50 years old. As the hit top 10 website for most visited internet traffic, Jeff Bezos now had widen his empire by owning few more web services.